Government Initiatives
The National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP)……….

NTCP was launched by the Government of India to (i) create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption, (ii) reduce the production and supply of tobacco products, (iii) ensure effective implementation of the provisions under “The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003” (COTPA) and (iv) help the people quit tobacco use through Tobacco Cessation Centres.
The NTCP will be implemented through a three tiered structure- (i) National Tobacco Control Cell (ii) State Tobacco Control Cell & (iii) District Tobacco Control Cell. (subsumed in the flexi pool for NCDs under NHM)
A. National Tobacco Control Cell The National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is responsible for overall policy formulation, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the different activities envisaged under the programme. The National cell shall be supported by 8 consultants, who will be hired under the programme.
Major Components and activities:
- 2.1 Public awareness/mass media campaigns for awareness building and behavioural change.
- 2.2 Establishment of tobacco product testing laboratories.
- 2.3 Setting up a National Tobacco Regulatory Authority (NTRA).
- 2.4 Advocacy and inter-sectoral linkages.
- 2.5 Research.
- 2.6 Monitoring and evaluation including Global Adult Tobacco Survey GATS)/ Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS).
- 2.7 Expansion of cessation facilities.
- 2.8 Setting up National Tobacco Quit-line and helpline.
- 2.9 Organizing review meetings and monitoring visits for implementation of NTCP.
- 2.10 Support to NGOs for Trainings, School Programmes and innovative proposals.
- 2.11 Setting up Online reporting mechanism
B. State Tobacco Control Cell
The State Tobacco Control Cell (STCC) is headed by a State Nodal Officer, who is a Senior Officer from State Department of Health preferably on a full time basis, to look after all the NCD programmes. The STCC shall be established as a sub-set of the State NCD cell so to avoid duplication of activities, bring synergy with the two programmes and also for optimum resource utilization.
2. State level Coordination Committee: Every state should have a State Level Coordination Committee headed by Chief Secretary or his nominee and Principal Secretary/Secretary (Health) as the member secretary. This committee is responsible for overall implementation of National Tobacco Control Programme and COTPA in the state. States may also form a small working group with representatives from select key Departments who will monitor the activities under NTCP on day to day basis. The working group may meet on a monthly basis; however, the SLCC should meet every quarter to review progress.
3. Major Activities of State Tobacco Control Cell (STCC):
- 3.1 Training of multiple stakeholders for tobacco control through state level advocacy.
- 3.2 Integrating Tobacco Control with other health programmes/activities.
- 3.3 Incorporating Tobacco Control in the state level IEC campaign.
- 3.4 Flexi pool to cater to state specific needs.
- 3.5 Mobility support to strengthen monitoring and enforcement of COTPA.
4. Manpower for STCC
There is provision of recruitment of two contractual staff at the state level to assist the State Nodal Officer in tobacco control initiatives. The two personnel are: (i) Consultant and (ii) Legal officer.
C. District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC)
Every identified district shall have a District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC). The District Tobacco Control Cell is responsible for overall planning, implementation, and monitoring of the different activities and achievement of physical and financial targets under the programme at the district level. The DTCC shall be established as a sub-set of the District NCD cell so to avoid duplication of activities, bring synergy with the two programmes and also for optimum resource utilization.
The DTCC is headed by a District Nodal Officer preferably Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon on a full time basis to look after all the NCD programmes in the District.
2. Every District is expected to constitute an enforcement squad preferably under the Collector/ District Magistrate (DM), which is responsible for monitoring compliance with COTPA 2003 and taking action against any violations in the district.
3. District level Coordination Committee (DLCC): Each district should have a District Level Coordination Committee chaired by Collector or District Magistrate, and District Nodal Officer as the member secretary, who shall convene the meetings of the Committee.
4. Major Activities of District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC):
- 4.1 Training and Capacity Building of relevant Stakeholders
- 4.2 School Awareness Programmes
There are two models in school programme : i) integrate tobacco control activities in the schools already having /existing school health programme; and ii) initiate tobacco control programmes in 70 schools in a district. - 4.3. Setting up and expansion of tobacco cessation facilities including support for pharmacological treatment of tobacco dependence.
- 4.4. Information, Education and Communication (IEC)/ Media Campaign.
- 4.5. A Flexi pool has been created to cater to district specific needs.
5. Manpower for District Tobacco Control Programme
In each DTCC, there is provision for recruiting two personnel, i.e. (i) Consultant and (ii) Social Worker to assist in implementation of the programme. The support staff / administrative staff shall be shared with the NCD programme.
[EPC under NRHM has granted approval for the District level activities under NTCP for the 12th Five Year Plan under the NCD Flexipool.]